Driving A Car In Rain

Driving under the rain or soggy conditions can put you under a lot of duress, because rain water can affect the stability of your vehicle and visibility from the window. Skidding may also occur as well as hydroplaning. Hydroplaning occurs when the water pressure under the wheels builds at a much faster rate than the weight of the car can muster, hence affecting the traction. Heavy rains can also affect the efficiency of the brakes because water can permeate through the drums holding the brake to decrease the stopping power. It is important to note that almost a half of all weather related accidents are caused by rains.
If you have to drive in rain, there are certain things you need to put in mind. The first thing you need to observe is watch your speed. Driving at a high speed under the rains can cause hydroplaning which can consequently lead to loss of control. You can prevent the occurrence of skids by driving carefully and slowly, especially when driving around the corners. Whenever you find yourself in a skidding situation, remain calm and remove your foot off the accelerator. In the meantime, try and steer your steering wheel accordingly in order to maintain traction and avoid accidents. The other precautionary measure to undertake is to avoid applying brakes too quickly and injudiciously when confronted with the rain waters; if this such a measure is not adhered to, your vehicle could spin out of control and cause an accident.
Braking should generally be executed with a light touch by maintaining a mild pressure on the vehicles braking pedal. If your vehicle is not fitted with an anti-lock brake locking system avoid using the brakes. On the other hand, if the car has an ABS you can break firmly to deploy the safety unit even as you try to gain control of the vehicle. When driving under rains, you should always keep your two hands firmly entrenched on your vehicles steering wheel to maintain control. It is also important to turn on their headlights when it is raining; this is important because it will alert other motorists and pedestrians regarding your presence on the road.
The other important observations to put into consideration when driving under the rain is to keep a good distance between your car and the car ahead of you. This is an important precaution, because you may never know the true intentions of the other road users. If you can, avoid driving on a flooded road unless you have no choice; under such a circumstance, you can watch over the driver ahead of you in order to make a more informed decision. Whenever you notice any signs of a fog build-up on the windshield, turn on your defroster; a rain repellent can also be used to clear up the side mirrors and windows to remove stagnated raindrops. Employing these safe driving practices can along way to save your life and that of the other motorist and pedestrians on the road.