Driving A Car In Fog

Driving in in-climate weather can be a difficult and dangerous situation for many drivers out there. This is because visibility and road conditions are much worse than when the weather conditions are ideal. One of the most difficult weather conditions to drive in safely is fog. Very dense fog can be debilitating for many drivers out there. I would like to discuss some tips that you can implement the next time you are forced to drive in dense fog.
Drive slow
This is probably an understatement in just about any type of bad weather, but it is a definite must, especially in fog. Fog causes the visibility to be almost zero at times and because of this you won’t be able to see even a few feet in front of your car very well. This means that anything can jump or drive out in front of your vehicle and you will have very little reaction time. Driving slowly will allow you do react to obstacles that appear in front of you better than if you were driving fast.
No high beams
When you are unable to see very well, the first response for many driver is to flip those high beams on. This is one of the worst things you can do when driving in foggy weather. High beams reflect off of the fog and make the visibility even worse. You should instead stick to low beam headlights when you are driving in fog.
No stopping on the road
A lot of the times when visibility is very low due to rain or other weather conditions people are inclined to stop on the side of the road and try to wait it out. This is not a good idea in foggy weather. This is because many of the other drivers cannot see you and are much more likely to run into you. This can be very bad, depending on the other vehicle’s rate of speed.
Use guidelines
When your visibility on the road is impaired by fog you need to use other methods of determining where you are on the road. Usually if you can see the side of the road you can use that as an indication of whether or not you are still on the road. More importantly, that you are still on the right side of the road and not driving into oncoming traffic. You can also use things like tree lines or reflective markings on the road if there are any there.
Fog lights
If your vehicle is equipped with fog lights, then you should use them. This will help increase your level of visibility. This will help tremendously in very dense fog. It will also help other drivers see you on the road. This will lead to a much less likely chance that other vehicles would hit you because they cannot see you on the road.